Pastime Lanes Bowling

Bowling Party

Teen Bowling

Pastime Lanes Bowling
"The Lanes"
What was originally an “idea” of Doc Bowers in 1937 slowly became a reality. Beginning with the acquisition of four used alleys from Molner’s Bar and Grill in Dover in 1952 the project started. The “boys” stored the alleys in a barn at the Black Horse Inn while they negotiated with the Borough of Mendham the purchase of a piece of property at the rear of what is now the town parking lot. In March of 1953 Construction started on the current building. Under the leadership of John Parrillo, many members donated most, if not all, of their free nights and weekend to the construction project.
Every member of the club club helped in some way to complete the task - often times to the displeasure of their wives. Ceremoniously, the first ball was rolled down each alley at the dedication on October 29, 1953. Over the ensuing 60 years, the Lanes has gone through a series of transformations – from pin boys paid $0.13 and a can of soda per shift, to the fully automated pinsetters and ball returns on site today. The Lanes have also served as a community asset, hosting children’s birthday parties and leagues for the past few decades. Much like the Pastime Club itself, the Lanes has a long and rich history as an integral part of the Mendham community.
Unfortuantely, bowling is not quite as popular as it once was. This fact, coupled with changing demographics in the local community, caused the board of trustees to suspend bowling operations in 2014. While the club was presented with several options for the building, the thought of disposing of this club asset was unthinkable. At this time, the Lanes are maintained and operated by the Lanes Committee for the benefit of members, their guests and the various leagues we host. Members may use the Lanes at their leisure, or reserve private use of the Lanes for a nominal fee. Our four member-sponsored leagues are open to the general public for participation.
If you are a local bowler interested in joining a league, please get more information here: